The existing washbacks had been manufactured in a Triply type material consisting of a mild steel core sandwiched between layers of stainless steel, and having been in place for a considerable period were suffering from corrosion at weld points and around the base.
The decision was taken to replace the washbacks with new stainless steel vessels. Owing to the size of the washbacks and the installation logistics it was necessary to remove the mezzanine floor and the roof of the tun room so it made sense to refurbish the building at the same time.
Muirton Control stripped out the old electrical installation and installed new lighting and power installations incorporating the latest installation technologies including energy efficient LED lighting throughout.
The process control installation involved the electrical and pneumatic installation of around forty actuated valves, re-wiring of associated pumps and manufacture and installation of PLC distributed I/O panels. The operator interface and PLC programs were modified and updated to reflect the physical changes in the plant and the latest working practices.
With the works now completed the end result is a very tidy fresh looking tun room which will serve the distillery well for many years to come.